Worshipped by the bowing devotees and always giving refuge! Let me meditate on You,

Ornaments, holding a golden lotus in Your hand, Sitting in the lotus flower wearing a yellow garment and resplendent with all the O Mother, let me meditate on Your beautiful form with the color of gold, with a beaming face and large lotus eyes, Padma patrayataksim hemabham pita vastram and with Your red lotus feet resting on a golden jar filled with jewels! O Mother Ambika, I meditate on Your resplendent red form with three sacred eyes, wearing a sparkling crown jewel and the crescent moon and displaying a sweet smile, with Your large breasts brimming with motherly love holding in each hand jewel-studded vessels decked with red lotus flowers which are encircled by bees. Panibhyam alipurna ratna casakam raktotpalam bibhratim Manikya mauli sphurat taranayaka sekharam Back Sri Lalita Sahasranamavali – Meaning