
Visual novel little busters ex fuwanovel
Visual novel little busters ex fuwanovel

Ultimately he is pushed aside and forced to look for Kyousuke, the leader of their little gang, but he does not find him. He tries to establish an uncannily similar set of rules for Masato and Kengo to follow but does not have the clout to get their agreement. Riki goes in to stop them by interposing his body. Riki follows Masato and then finds him having a fight with Kengo in the cafeteria. When he wakes up, his roommate Masato is eager to start a battle. The beginning of Refrain starts with Riki having a nightmare in which he sees a bus crash accident in the middle of the forest, twisted metal, broken trees, torn earth. Refrain takes time when Riki has already solved everyone's problem/route and once again back to the time cycle of the first semester after he failed to save Rin in his last time cycle, resetting everything in his and Rin's mind.

Visual novel little busters ex fuwanovel